Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I Can't Stop Once I've Started - It Stings

Well, hello everyone reading. This is my first blog! I was totally enchrinched in reading all my buddies blogs about their running adventures and since I have become addicted to this style of living with trail shoes on, I decided to join in. I am always looking for advise about fitness and or anything for that matter so I invite anyone who is willing to help me with my first year of training for .... ultra's! I have been an athlete my whole life so running is not new to me but running long distances is new. I played baseball all the way through college and so most of my running consisted of sprints until recently. I love lifting weights and staying healthy, although like most everyone, I had my years of taking it easy after college. I have a freind named Patrick, a.k.a. squatting bear, who kept telling me how cool it was to run the trails at Shelby Farms. Little did I know that once I finally took him up on an invite and started, I could not stop. Running the trails may be the most surreal, spiritual, and comforting time that I have ever spent. So far, I have run in one measely race, the 4 mile Turkey Trot in November. I finished with a respectable 8 1/2 minute mile pace and realized how fun the race day adrenaline can be. Since then, I have been running every week and am up to about 25 -30 miles a week, including 4 - two mile sessions a week to get warmed up before lifting weights. My next big race is the G'town half marathon and I can't wait. Needless to say, I am still a baby in the running world but I can't begin to tell you how much it has changed the way I live day to day. I can't wait for more adventures to come! Enjoy yourself this week and make sure you sweat at least once a day!


Anonymous said...
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runningtwig said...
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squatting bear said...

D, thhis is great to see ya on here, I'm so glad you finally got out here with us, I told you it was awesome!!!! I think I'm gonna take the day off from running today, so maybe we can all hook up for a short one tommorrow? By the way,I personally plan on sweatting twice everyday, once while running and once with your wife!!! GET SOME BIIOOOOOOTCH!!!!!!! Later.

Carrie said...

Yay D...welcome to the blogging world! I'm so proud of for starting to run! Now after this baby pops out, maybe I can get some pointers from y'all!

squatting bear said...

Wassup D!! Interesting night last last night, huh? Nothing ended up happening. Just went home. Didn't run today, gonna rest for Sunday a little. I'll run a short 6 or 8 tomorrow if you and Poole wanna hook up.See ya at the race.

squatting bear said...

D, just wondering if you were planning on coming out tomorrow, it's gonna be fuckin cold, but I think you seeing the race will just jump start your running even more! Give me a call later.