Thursday, January 31, 2008

Back on the Saddle

Finally, I feel normal again. I was able to start lifting and running again this week and it feels great. After a sluggish, but effective workout on Tuesday, I was charged up for my conditioning day on Wednesday and hit the pavement with my Brooks on. I pulled of an 8 banger and now am back to the old Dirty D.
It seems as if when I don't run for a while that I get all these thoughts built up and start to worry more about everything but when I do get to run, especially alone, I get to put all these issues in perspective to the grand scheme of life and then they don't seem so important anymore. I think this is why running is so therapeutic, because we have time to shut the hell up and be quiet long enough for God to give us some answers.
Happy trails.


Mike Hudson said...

An "8 banger" sounds so dirty!

Care to run Stanky Creek tomorrow around 10? Call me if so...606-8126.

squatting bear said...

Nice, wanna run today after work? I'm gonna hit it either way, so just let me know. I am doing a long run tommorrow so maybe you can jump in for a part of it. Later dude