Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Taking a sick leave

Well, I forgot how bad it feels to be sick and not be able to excersize. It sucks! I feel like I have no energy. I got sick about 5 days ago and am on the back end of this flu shit. I think today I am going to have to make myself do something or else I am going to shrivel away to nothing. I haven't ran since last Monday. The bad thing is, I think it was my best training run that I have ever had. Now it is pouring rain outside which makes me think the trails may be a little too sloppy to take on tonight, not to mention that it is going to be 29 degrees. I guess the treadmill never hurt anybody. I've got to admit, I love Memphis and all but there are some days, especially in the winter, in which I would give my left nut to live somewhere else. I just got back from Ft. Lauderdale Florida where the sun was always out and it was 75 degrees everyday. If my family and freinds weren't here in Memphis I would be gone in a heartbeat. Enough of the negativity, I'm going to read some of your blogs to get motivated again. Later!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Well, the good thing about Memphis weather is that it doesn't last long! Sorry you've been feeling bad...hope to see y'all Sunday for the Super Bowl!